San Francisco Election Guide (simplified)

A detailed guide with justifications can be found here: San Francisco Election Guide. Did I get something wrong? Let me know at

Federal Election

President, Senator, House. Vote however you want.

State Assembly Member

District 11

Scott Weiner

District 17

Matt Haney

District 19

Catherine Stefani

Member, Board of Education

Community College Board

BART Board

District 7

Victor Flores

District 9

Joe Sangirardi


Ranked Choice Voting

  1. London Breed
  2. Daniel Lurie
  3. Mark Farrelk
  4. Ahsha Safai
  5. Aaron Peskin

Board of Supervisors

City Attorney

David Chiu

District Attorney

Brooke Jenkins


Paul Miyamoto


Jose Cisneros

State Propositions

Vote "Yes" on all propositions except for Prop 33.

City and County Propositions